After a three year break, Clara Lodge was able to arrange what was an annual event, known as “The Ging Trip”, when members of SA Northern travelled to Gingindhlovu Lodge No. 758 I.C. in Mandeni, Natal, to attend their Installation.
This year, a contingent of eleven made the trip, headed by PPGM Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson, and PAGMs Rt.W.Br. Bill Rice and Rt.W.Br. Craig Russell (the organiser).
As was always the case, the weekend, from the 3rd to the 5th of June, was thoroughly enjoyable; the accommodation was second to none, and the weather fine, as was the hospitality of the Lodge members.
Culinary highlights of the weekend were the delicious curry that Rt.W,Br. Nic made for us on the Friday night, the breakfast at the Ocean View hotel on the Saturday morning, and after the Installation, the Festive Board dinner.
On the way back, on Sunday, we stopped at Nottingham Road for breakfast, and then the Smallest Church at van Reenen.
A great time was had by all.
The view from the veranda
Lounge and dining room.
A huge breakfast at the Ocean View Hotel
L-R: David Picton, Robert Dick, Craig Russell,
Reshat Herrington, Tom van Blommestein, Nic Benson,
Bill Rice, Bruce Davis, John Fletcher-Coxen,
Chris Broxham, and Nigel Hulse
PGM Rt.W.Br. Dave Patten, greeting the visitors
The main table
The Contingent after the Installation
On the way home – breakfast at Nottingham Road.
The donation of blankets, by Achill Lodge, to the Gracia Child and Youth Care Centre, and also to the East Rand Children’s Centre, was a shining example of Freemasonry in action; one hundred and five blankets were shared between the two Homes.
A really outstanding effort.
V.W.Br. Paddy Quinn (left), with Achill’s Worshipful Master, V.W.Br. John Druez, and Br. Perecy (right),
with children at the Gracia Home.
V.W.Br. John Druez at the East Rand Children’s Centre, after the distribution of blankets.
Worshipful Master, John Druez, having a word with the children at the East Rand Centre.
The dining room at the East Rand centre.
On Sunday 29 May 2022, Edward H. Croghan Lodge held its very successful Fly_Mu Day at the the Benoni- Brakpan Flying Club; this was a fun day, and there was something for everyone, from flips in a helicopter to a variety of food and drink, not to mention the several stalls with a variety of goods for sale, and the various aircraft for the visitors to look at.
During the day there were an estimated 400 visitors, with surprise visits from the Crusader Motorcycle Club, The Widow’s Sons East Rand Bikers and the Vespa Scooter Club.
Henly Air gave several Flips, taking visitors up in their Bell 212 Helicopter, and there was also a raffle, with prizes of a Champagne flight for two, a flip in the Pitt’s Special, as well as a Tandem Parachute Jump.
Then the highlight of the day: we invited the eight Children from Abraham Kriel home for foster children( Girls Home), in Bredell, to come and spend the day with us.
On arrival, we welcomed them and took some photos,and after the photo session each child was given an envelope with R200 in to spend on herself. Then we gave them all a Boerewors roll and a cold drink, compliments of Kendal Franks Lodge.
We then surprised them by giving them a Flip in the Helicopter. The Girls were over the moon with this, and to close off the day, each girl was handed a hand- made jacket donated by the flying Club.
Thanks to the planning , organising and long hours of hard work put in by our Steward of Charities, V.Wor. Bro. Fanie Bezuidehout, assisted by his wife, Ansan ,Yolanda Stapelberg and the brethren of Edward H Croghan Lodge, the day was an unqualified success.
Happy children, waiting for their helicopter flip.
One of the many planes on display.
V.W.Br. Fanie Bezuidenhout in his Jodel S12
Rt.W.Br. Gerhard van Staden (left), and
Rt.W.Br. Bruce Davis (right)with the girls from the Home.
More of the planes on display
Many thanks to the Provincial Grand Master, Rt.W.Br. Tony Bosch, and the Provincial Grand Lodge, for the donation towards the Community Garden initiative, which was put forward by W.Br. Reshat Herrington and Br. Marius De Wet, on behalf of Siobhan, Br. Marius’s wife, who assisted Martin in starting his own permaculture vegetable garden.
On the 14th May, a small group of Clara Brethren, assisted by Martin Prima and community members of Orange Farm Ext 8, erected a shade-cloth structure using gum poles, which were purchased with the funds donated.
BB Marius and Reshat kindly donated materials, tools and labour.
The structure was completed in a little over six hours, and the following photos tell the story.
A bit of history: this is how much work the community did before we got involved.
The photos were provided by Martin’s wife.
On arrival.
Br. Rudi Geyer getting stuck in.
Br. Marius De Wet securing the first supports.
Bracing the supports while the concrete is being poured.
Alignment check.
W.Br. Reshat assessing the progress.
The finishing touches to a great project.
The workers – finished at last, with a thumbs-up from Martin Prima, the manager of the garden.

Congratulations to Br. Daniel Tackie, who was Initiated on the 6th May, 2022; he is flanked on his right by Leinster’s Worshipful Master, W.Br. Shaun Stearn, and on his left by PAGM, Rt.W.Br. Craig Russell.
On the 5th April, 2022 Br. Daniel Johnson was Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason, after a very long delay caused by the Covid lock-down.
Once again, the evening was an unqualified success with first-class Workings, and an impressive turnout of Provincial Officers and a Courtesy Visit from Clara Lodge No.288.
The evening was rounded off with a most enjoyable Festive Board, courtesy of the Park Lane caterers.

On the 1st March, 2022, Br. Ben Chite was Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason; the Ceremony was professionally performed, with well-delivered Workings, of which the Lodge can be proud
The meeting was well attended, with twelve Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and a Courtesy Visit of Members from Clara Lodge No. 288 I.C. being present; in all, twenty-six Brethren were in attendance.
The happy company, after a successful Ceremony, with the Worshipful Master, V.W.Br. David Picton (c) and the new Master Mason, Br. Ben Chite, on his right.
An enjoyable meal, to round off a very pleasant evening.

A postprandial conversation…
The Worshipful Master and his new Master Mason
On the 23rd February, 2022, Antrim R.A.Chapter held its inaugural Convocation at The Willows Masonic Centre, Pretoria. This was a very successful Convocation for the Excellent King, V.Ex.Comp. Francois van de Merwe, and a fine start to the Chapter’s future.
Amongst those present were the three District Grand Chapter Principals: the District Grand King, M.Ex. Comp. Justin Dawe, his Deputy, Rt.Ex.Comp. Mark Rose, and his Assistant, Rt.Ex.Comp. Michael Vilbert.
A fine turnout of Companions, in support of the Excellent King (c)
On the 15th February, Shamrock Chapter held their Convocation of Istallation at the Central East Rand Temple, Boksburg.
Congratulations to the new Excellent King and Council on their Investiture, and to the new Chapter Officers.
Excellent King, V.E.Comp. Gerhard van Staden (c), with High Priest ,V.Ex. Comp. Chris Broxham on his right,
and Chief Scribe, Comp. John Fletcher-Coxen on his left, with Members from the Grand , and District Grand Chapters.
(Photographer: Comp. Craig Russell).
The Membership at Shamrock Preceptory N0. 338 I.C. is looking much healthier now , as the February Conclave saw the Installation of V.W.Br. Francois van de Merwe – the second Member to be Installed, in as many months.
Sir Knight Francois van de Merwe (centre),flanked by V.Em.Sir Knight Danny van der Merwe on his left,
and Sir Knight Stephen Miller; photographer, Sir Knight Nigel Hulse.
Thanks to the various Covid-enforced suspensions of Masonic activities, there have been no Raisings, at Pretorai Leinster, since 2019; however this was made up for with the well-performed Raising of Br. Jacques Grobler, on the 4th February.
Attendance was excellent, and boasted a Courtesy Visit by Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge Officers, led by the Provincial Grand Master, Rt.W.Br. Tony Bosch.
A good turn-out of Brethren, with the new Master Mason,
Br. Jacques Grobler (centre) flanked on his left by the Worshipful Master, W.Br. Shaun Stern, and on his right, by the Provincial Grand Master, Rt.W.Br. Tony Bosch.
At the Festive Board: Br. Jacques Grobler thanking everyone for their good wishes and congratulations
On the 21st January, Mr. Wesley Steyn was Initiated as a Member of Achill Lodge.
The meeting was well-attended by Members of several Lodges, including those of the Provincial Grand Lodge of S.A.Northern, amongst whom were the Provincial Grand Master, Rt.W.Br. Tony Bosch, and his Assistants, Rt.W.Br. Bill Rice
and Rt.W.Br. Craig Russell.
Congratulations, Br. Wesley, on the start of your Masonic journey..
Serving the community was Mary -Ann’s passion. She joined the fire services in Meyerton as a volunteer in 1994 while still in high school, and was appointed as a cadet in 1997 after she had completed her St 10; she then completed all the required training and courses to become a fire fighter and ambulance assistant.
Sadly, a serious brain tumour was diagnosed in 2007 and she was forced to resign after she had an operation to remove the tumour.
She joined Net Care ambulance services in 2008 where she worked as an ambulance assistant, and later as the medic, after completing the necessary courses.
During this time she met her husband, Douw, who was also an ambulance attendant at Net Care.
As they were unable to have children of their own, she became involved with the care of children, at Granny’s Childcare centre.
During 2018 the tumour returned, more aggressive than before, and operations followed in 2018, 2019 and 2020; she suffered a serious stroke during the last operation, which ended her career in the emergency services.
Mary- Ann returned home still full of cheer, and if ever you asked her about her wellbeing, the answer would always be the same; “I’m doing fine – there are people who are worse off than me.”
She continues with the work at the children’s home and took in four foster children, aged from 12 to 16.
With Douw as the only breadwinner, and a small subsidy from the foster home, Mary-Ann and Douw, even through tough and hard times, never complained, always cheerful and smiling.
In November 2021 one of the girls turned 16, and Edward H. Croghan Lodge decided to help her celebrate by giving her a party, and also handing her some nice clothing donated by friends.
Recently, the WM and Members of Edward H Croghan, once again, assisted them by donating some much needed food and a large amount of preloved clothing.
Mary-Ann, Douw and the children could not express their joy and gratitude when Members arrived at their home and handed them the parcels.
During the visit, she informed me that the tumour was growing and that she would need another operation. When I asked her how she would manage, her answer was the same as always; “you know I will get out on the other side no matter how”.
V.W.Br. Fanie Bezuidenhout
Edward H. Croghan Lodge.No.247 I.C.

To All the Brethren, Families and Friends:
Another year is almost at its end and this is the perfect opportunity to reflect on the past year.We are now into the second year of the Covid pandemic and many of the Brethren, or their Family Members or Friends, have been affected by the virus. We have also lost dear Friends due to other causes, and some are still battling illnesses and we can only hope for their speedy recovery.
While some of you are already on a well-deserved holiday, others are still at work and I hope that those Brethren will soon get a turn for a well-deserved rest too. Please travel safe to and from your destinations and may the GAOTU guard and keep you safe during the Festive Period and return invigorated from your break for the challenges of the New Year.
Brethren, please be reminded to the keep the less fortunate always in your mind, especially during this time. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, will make a difference.
From my house to yours, wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2022.
Rt Wor Bro Tony Bosch
The December Conclave of the Preceptory saw the Installation of Br. Stephen Miller as a Knight of the Religious and Military Order of the Temple.
This was a real boost for the Preceptory, as the Last Installation of a Candidate had been in November, 2018.
As it happens, we were very fortunate to hold this Conclave, as shortly afterwards, all Masonic activities were suspended again, until further notice
After a successful Installation: from l-r, E.Sir Knight Thinus Kriel; V.E. Sir Knight Tony Bosch; V.E.Sir Knight Danny van der Merwe; V.E. Sir Knight Don Cresswell; the Candidate Sir Knight Stephen Miller; the Eminent Preceptor,
E.Sir Knight Michael Vilbert; E.Sir Knight Bill Rice; Sir Knight Nigel Hulse; photographer, Sir Knight Craig Russell.
On the 3rd December, 2021, Members of the Provincial Grand Lodge, and Clara Lodge, travelled to Tzaneen, to assist with the Initiation of Mr. Andre Nel, and to perform some of the Workings
As always, we were warmly and enthusiastically welcomed, the hospitality being second-to-none.
Well done Brethren and congratulations on a great Initiation.
Front row, l-r, PAGM Rt.W.Br. Craig Russell, V.W.Br. Dick Heimann, the Candidate, Br. Andre Nel and PAGM Rt.W.Br. Bill Rice.
The Worshipful Master, V.W.Br. Trevor Thomas, is at the centre, next to his table
On the 25th November, 2021, at the Regular meeting of Clara Lodge No. 288 I.C., Br. Rudi Geyer was Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason.
Br. Rudi was Passed on the 27th February, 2020, and so, thanks to Covid-19, was “kept in limbo” for twenty-one months before finally attaining his goal.
Apart from an excellent turn-out of Clara Members, the P.G.M, Rt.W.Br. Tony Bosch and P.G.L. Officers were in attendance. Also in attendance was Br. Rudi’s long-time friend, Rt.W.Br. Tony Alsemgeest – P.G.M. Southern Cape.

Br. Rudi Geyer (c), with P.G.M. Rt.W.Br. Tony Bosch on his left, and Rt.W.Br. Tony Alsemgeest on his right.
Clara’s Worshipful Master, W.Br. Adrian Leite, is behind Br. Rudi
Another important event for S.A Northern: on the 13th November, 2021 at the Central East Rand Temple, Boksburg,
M.E.Comp. Justin Dawe was Invested as the Most Excellent District Grand King, taking over from M.E.Comp. Andre De Roubaix.
Rt.E.Comp. Mark Rose was Invested as his Deputy, and Rt.E.Comp. Michael Vilbert, his Assistant.
On the 6th November, 2021, at the Provincial Grand Lodge Stated Communication, Rt.W.Br. Tony Bosch was Invested as the Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of S.A Northern IC, taking over from Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson.
Invested as his Assistants were Rt.W.Br. Gerhard van Staden, Rt.W.Br. William Rice, and Rt.W.Br. Craig Russell.
Rt.W.Br. Tony Bosch, 2nd from right, flanked by his Wardens – V.W.Br. Robert Dick, 3rd from right and
V.W.Br. Paddy Quinn. Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson is 5th from right, next to Rt.W.Br. Tony Alsemgeest, PGM Southern Cape IC.
His Assistants: Rt.W.Br. Gerhard van Staden,front left, Rt.W.Br. Craig Russell, 3rd from left,
and Rt.W.Br. William Rice, 7th from right.
On the the 29th September, 2021, Erin Chapter held its Ceremony of Installation for Comp. Richard King, as Excellent King. This was an important beginning for Erin Chapter in its new home, having held its previous Convocations at the Masonic Centre, Orange Grove, Johannesburg.
Excellent King, Ex.Comp. Richard King (centre), with Erin Companions and Officers from the Supreme Grand , Grand and District Grand Chapters.
The Installing Officer, M.E Comp. Justin Dawe, the M.E. District Grand King, is third from left
FRANCO LINO FORTE: 26th MARCH, 1933 – 22nd JULY, 2021
On the 30th July, at the memorial service at St. James Presbyterian church Bedfordview, we said farewell to our friend and Brother, Franco Forte. Rest in peace Franco, you will be sorely missed by your Family, friends and Brethren.
Under the auspices of the Provincial Grand Lodge, S.A.Northern, computer stations have been supplied and installed at Nazareth House. These are a wonderful addition to the establishment, and will allow the children to hone their computer skills.
The new Media centre.
Getting used to the new equipment.
Refurbishment of Nazareth House Children’s Home.

A lovely plaque at the entrance to the children’s home acknowledging the support of the Provincial Grand Lodge, in the refurbishment of the children’s home.
Nazareth House Gives Thanks With Dance
Ribbon Cutting
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Nazareth House by Rt. Wor. Bro. Nic Benson, Provincial Grand Master of South Africa (Northern)
Beautiful Room Upgrades

Dine With Me My Brothers And Sisters

Transformation Completed

A little haven of peace in the midst of poverty.

Thus far, there has been no change regarding the suspension of Masonic activities; the suspension will, therefore, remain in force until the 31st January, 2021. Here is a letter from the Grand Secretary regarding this. .

6th September, 2021

On the 12th June, the Provincial Grand Master, S.A.Northern, Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson, announced a further extension to the suspension of all Masonic activities, until the 31st January, 2021. Here is his letter.

On the 20th April, the Provincial Grand Master, S.A. Northern, Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson, announced a further extension to the suspension of all Masonic activities until Here is his letter.

With the inevitable arrival on our shores of this highly contagious and potentially life-threatening disease, the Heads of all of all Constitutions in the country have taken the unprecedented step of suspending all Masonic activities, across all Orders, with immediate effect.
It must be emphasized that this decision was not taken lightly, but was deemed to be the only responsible course of action when considering the virulence of the disease, and the ease and speed with which it is spreading.
These are the letters from the heads of the Constitutions, advising their Brethren of the decision:
From the Provincial Grand Master, S.A. Northen I.C., Rt.W. Br. Nic Benson:
Dear Brethren
With due regard to the Presidents address last evening and after having communicated with The Grand Lodge of
Ireland this morning, I believe that the responsible course of action is to suspend ALL masonic activity until the end
of April 2020.
This instruction takes place with immediate effect and will continue until Thursday 30th April 2020, at which time it
will be reviewed, and a further decision taken, based upon the situation prevailing at the time.
It is important to note that the following correspondence has today been received from our sister constitutions:
1) The Scottish Constitution has suspended ALL masonic activity for a period of 30 days, effective
2) The Grand Lodge of South Africa has suspended ALL masonic activity (including Royal Arch), indefinitely,
effective immediately.
3) The Netherlandic lodges have suspended ALL masonic activity for the foreseeable future.
4) I have been in telephonic communication with the English Constitution and anticipate a similar course of
action to be announced in due course, once approval has been received from the United Grand Lodge of
Here is a quote from Adrian Gore, the CEO of Discovery Health which I believe is very relevant to our current
“The elderly are particularly at risk, which is not common across all viruses. The best thing you can do for your
elderly neighbours and relatives is to help them stay indoors (shop for them) but avoid seeing them in person if you
can. And remember this: democracies deal with emergencies by relying on personal responsibility and voluntary
behavioural change. Take this responsibility seriously. And demonstrate leadership. It is a common misconception
that leadership lies with government only. This is not true. Leadership is everywhere. Every employer, every
manager, every teacher, every public servant, every parent is a leader. Everyone who makes decisions on behalf
of other people is a leader. Every handshake is a decision. If you’re young and healthy and fall ill, you’ll most likely
be OK. But the best way to protect the groups at risk, like the elderly and those with chronic conditions, is not to
catch the virus yourself. Deny it the opportunity to use your body as a vector. Fight it”
Above all. Stay positive.
This day too shall pass.
From the District Grand Master, South Africa North {UGLE}, Prof. E. Guy Charlesworth.
Dear Brethren,
In addressing the coronavirus pandemic, I have received by e-mail an official communication from the Grand Secretary stating that District Grand Masters hold delegated authority to suspend Masonic activity in their District, if the situation warrants it.
Secondly, on 17TH March, The Most Worshipful Grand Master, HRH The Duke of Kent suspended all Lodge and Chapter meetings in England and Wales for a period of four months with immediate effect.
In terms of the delegated authority, I have therefore, suspended all Masonic meetings and activities in the District of South Africa, North effective from Monday, 30TH March until Tuesday 30TH June 2020, subject to further review.
This also includes our Lodges in Botswana, Mauritius and Eswatini (Swaziland).
As a consequence of the suspension, no Elections or Installations will be held during this period and Masters and Chapter Principals will continue in office, until the next scheduled Installation. Secretaries and Scribe Ezras are asked to contact the District Grand Secretary for further guidance.
No Masonic meetings will be held at Freemasons’ Hall, Park Lane, Johannesburg during the same period.
The Office of District Grand Lodge will remain open, but all enquiries should be made to the District Grand Secretary, Wor.Bro. Roland Dunstan or to Mrs Fern Rowles by phone (011 643 3311/2) or by e-mail district@freemason-jhb.org.za. Visits in person are strongly discouraged.
All tenants at Park Lane should plan for the closure of Park Lane until 30TH June 2020.
From the District Grand Master, District Grand Lodge of Central South Africa, Br. J.Kerr:
To All Brethren Circular No. 02/2020
16th. March 2020
Further to the President’s Address last night and after due consideration, I have come to the decision, that the
responsible action to take under the circumstances is to cancel ALL meetings, committee and regular within
the District.
This instruction takes place with immediate effect and will remain in place for a period of 30 days or until
otherwise advised.
During this time the District Grand Lodge will remain open but Brethren are encouraged to communicate
with the District Grand Secretary by phone ( 072 277 7459 ) or E-mail ( dgsec@districtgrandlodge.co.za ) as
personal visits must be kept to the minimum.
I understand that this action will be extremely inconvenient to some Lodges, especially those with upcoming
Installations, where preparations are at an advanced state but I believe this action is necessary as the health
and possibly the lives of Brethren are, by far, more important.
The District Grand Secretary and myself will communicate directly with the Lodges whose Installations are
scheduled during this period and agree on alterative arrangements.
As we have close contact with the Sister Constitutions in this District, I would strongly advise against any
visits to them in the next few days, until such times as they make their decision on the action they intend
There is no point in elaborating on the personal hygiene actions required by everyone in the country but I
strongly encourage you to abide by the measures instituted and by our responsible actions hope that we can
contribute to the early defeat of this pandemic.
From the Grand Secretary, the Grand Lodge of South Africa:
Attention: All GLSA members
Dear Brethren
Suspension of GLSA activities due Covid-19
The Grand Master has instructed me to advise you that all Masonic gatherings falling under the GLSA, including Royal Arch, are suspended, with immediate effect, until further notice. The situation will be reviewed on a weekly basis and you will be kept informed on any progress. Please ensure that this information is also communicated to any candidates or potential applicants.
Our members are urged to take all possible precautions to ensure the well-being of themselves and their families during these very challenging times.
For those of our members who belong to the AASR for South Africa, you should also be aware that they have cancelled all of their activities until further notice.
Guidance from the Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ireland. {abridged}
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
This guidance document gives general advice about preventing the spread of COVID-19 .
While the guidance describes several practices specific to Freemasonry, people from other groups can adapt the advice to their specific requirements.
General recommendations for all.
If any members of your Masonic Body feel ill and may have COVID-19 , even if their symptoms are mild, they should stay at home and follow this advice:
If you feel unwell with symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g. cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, high temperature)
If in the 14 days before you became unwell, you have:
• travelled to an area with presumed ongoing community transmission of COVID-19, or
• been in contact with a person who has COVID-19, or
• attended/worked in a healthcare facility where patients with COVID-19 were being treated
then you should:
• Isolate yourself (i.e. stay separate from other people)
• Phone your GP without delay. Tell your GP/Emergency Services about your travel history and symptoms.
• It is important that you PHONE your GP first and talk to them rather than arriving at the GP surgery without contacting them so that you don’t put staff or other patients at risk of infection.
• Your GP/Emergency Services will advise you of the next steps over the phone.
If any members of your Masonic Body feel well and have no symptoms, but in the past 14 days they have:
• travelled from an area with presumed ongoing community transmission of COVID-19, or
• been in contact with a person who has COVID-19, or
• attended/worked in a healthcare facility where patients with COVID-19 are being treated they should phone the EMS for advice.
High risk groups
Those considered to be at higher risk for COVID-19 include the following:
• People aged 65 years and older
• People with long-term medical conditions – for example, heart disease, lung disease, diabetes or liver disease
Reducing the spread of infection
You should always practice good hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene. Hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene are a series of actions to take which are designed to reduce the spread of disease, including COVID-19, to yourself and others. These actions include regular handwashing and covering your mouth and nose with a tissue or the bend of your elbow when you cough or sneeze.
Physical interaction , e.g. Hand Contact
Most physical interaction during meetings, e.g. Hand Contact, involves a low risk of spreading the virus especially if members who are unwell do not attend meetings while they are ill.
However, because COVID-19 is a new disease that has not been seen in people before, we need to exercise extreme caution to limit the spread of the virus. Current information suggests that COVID-19 can spread easily between people and could be spread from an infected person even before they develop any symptoms.
Further sources of information
Further information on COVID-19 is available on the HSE website at: https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/coronavirus/coronavirus.html
and the HPSC website at:
You have come into contact with someone that was diagnosed with the new corona virus (2019-nCoV) What now?
The incubation period (time from infection to showing symptoms) ranges between 2 to 14 days. If you develop any symptoms in this time-frame, you will have to be tested for the virus.
Why not just test me immediately?
It takes time for the virus to multiply to a level where we can detect it with laboratory techniques.
Can’t you just give me medicine in case I do have it?
Since this is a virus, any treatment is supportive – that means the symptoms are treated, but there is no medicine to kill the virus, you need to allow your body’s immune system to kill the virus.
What should I do?
We are requesting you to self-quarantine. This means that although you do not have symptoms yet, you need to stay away from people to prevent the virus from spreading more.
But can I give the virus to someone even if I don’t feel bad?
Yes, evidence suggests that you may be able to pass the virus to someone else even before you show symptoms.
Can I go to work?
It is advised to refrain from going to work, doing so may spread the virus to colleagues. Your general practitioner can provide a sick note to be shared with your employer.
Can I go to school?
It is advised to refrain from going to school, doing so may spread the virus to other students or teachers. Your general practitioner can provide a sick note to be shared with the school.
Can I meet my friends?
It is advised to avoid social contact. Participating in social contact may spread the virus to your family and friends.
Can I go shopping, visit a public place or use public transport?
It is advised to refrain from visiting any public place (shops, churches, entertainment areas) or using public transport, doing so may spread the virus to other people.
What am I supposed to do?
To protect those around you:
• Clean your hands frequently, using an alcohol-based hand rub or soap
• Keep a distance from healthy individuals (not showing respiratory symptoms) as much as possible (at least 1 meter)
• Wear a medical mask as frequently possible
• Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing with disposable paper tissue, or cough and sneeze into your elbow. Dispose of the material after use and clean your hands immediately with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub
• Improve airflow in living spaces at home by opening windows and door as much as possible
What symptoms should I be looking out for?
A measured body temperature of 38°C or more, chills, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, myalgia or body pains, diarrhoea (passage of three or more loose or liquid stools per day).
I have symptoms, what should I do?
Please contact your doctor immediately. He will advise you as to your next course of action.

![IMG-20200319-WA0020[1] IMG-20200319-WA0020[1]](https://irishfreemasonry.co.za/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/IMG-20200319-WA00201-omsojlzudv1lpj6mamzncczj3v1ttcoyvtwzwgerfc.jpg)
How are you feeling? This may help, but if you are unsure of your symptoms, consult your doctor.
This shows the importance of keeping surfaces clean, and washing hands.
On Tuesday 25th February, there was an impressive turnout for the Installation of Rt.W.Br. Thinus Kriel as Master of
Erin-Go-Bragh Lodge, for the fourth time; he was first Installed in the chair of King Solomon in 1997,
and thereafter in 2010 and 2018.
Congratulations, Rt.W.Br. Thinus; may the coming year be a successful and enjoyable one, for you and Erin-Go-Bragh.
Worshipful Master, Rt.W.Br. Thinus Kriel, with Susan Kruger, at the Festive Board
Erin-G0-Bragh’s Immediate Past Master, V.W.Br. Terry Nicholls and wife, Jeanette.
Mrs. Sophia Benson and PGM, Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson, with the Worshipful Master and Susan Kruger
PDGM Rt.W.Br.Tony Bosch{L} and PAGMs Rt.W.Brs. Gerhard van Staden and Billy Rice
Well done to the E-G-B ladies for a really great Festive Board – very attractively laid out tables, and plenty
of good food.
E-G-B’s V.W.Br. Derek MacDade, Br. Keith Bull and V.W.Br. Tony Murdoch, enjoying the evening.
At a very memorable Stated Communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge, Southern Cape, V.W.Br.Eddie Ives received his Honorary Grand Rank from the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Most Worshipful Br. Douglas Grey.
Congratulations, V.W.Br. Eddie, on your special occasion.

From L-R: Grand Master, M.W. Br. Douglas Grey, V.W.Br. Eddie Ives, Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson, PGM SA Northern.
Montgomery Haven is one of the establishments in the Methodist Homes group, and is one of the recipients of Clara Lodge’s support.
Last year, with the financial assistance of the Provincial Grand Lodge, we were able to sponsor the two Christmas lunches provided by the Home for the residents; one for the Frail Care section, and one for the Village.
Several of us attended the Village lunch, and it was so enjoyable and appreciated, that we decided to do the same this year.
The PGL was good enough to assist us again, and we were able to sponsor the lunches.
This year, fourteen of us (four Lodges represented) attended the Village lunch, and were really impressed with the food and friendliness.
Fortunately, because of the weather, tables and gazebos were put outside where there was a cool breeze – it was really hot!!
Here are some photos from the event, and the response from the Home.

Br.Marius De Wet and his wife Siobhan were kind enough to host Clara’s end-of-year function at their home in Beverley Gardens. There were twenty-two of us who turned up, representing five Lodges. The weather was perfect and ideal for a braai, and needless to say, there was lots of food and plenty to drink; there was also no lack of volunteers to attend to the cooking! Our “braaimeisters” however, seem to have been Marius, Renier and Robert, who all cooked the meat to perfection.
A big “thank you” to Marius and Siobhan, who went to an lot of trouble to make the afternoon such a success, and to all of the ladies who brought along salads and puddings. Thanks also to everyone who came along and made the afternoon such a friendly and enjoyable event.
Clara’s Worshipful Master, W.Br. Renier Shields, greeting everyone.
Marius and Renier at work!!
Meat’s almost ready!!
Relaxing after lunch
Renier and Marius giving out presents to the ladies
- On Saturday, 23rd November, Erin Lodge held their Annual Ladies Supper at Cesco’s Restaurant, at the German Club,and we were honoured to have the Rt.W. PGM, Deputy PGM, PGL Secretary, and their wives join us. This was a really enjoyable evening, and a good time was had by all; plenty of good food in a very nice venue.
Coincidentally, in the room next to us, the English Constitution had their end-of-year, Black Tie dinner, so it was a full house of Masons for the German Club.
It is said that “a picture is worth a thousand words”, so the following photos will tell you what a great evening it was.

Sharnell Davis(L), PDGM Tony Bosch and Margaret Rose

Jack Connan,(R), with Corne and Lindsay v.d. Merwe
On the 13th November, the District held its Bi-Annual Convocation at the Kensington Masonic Hall, and the Officers for 2019-2020 were Invested; the event was well attended, and we were joined by representatives from our Sister Constitutions. The Convocation was presided over by the Most Excellent District Grand King, Most Excellent Companion Andre De Roubaix.
Waiting for the District Delegation to take their places.
The Most Excellent District Grand King addressing the Companions, prior to opening the Chapter.
After a successful Convocation.
A fine meal, to end off an enjoyable evening.
The three Constitutions: ME Comp. Andre, RW Br. David Gurney (English), and ME Comp. John Grant (Scottish)
Congratulations to the Provincial Grand Lodge Administrator, Mrs. Sharnell Davis, who found this venue for the event, organised everything and made sure that everyone had an enjoyable time.

Pleasant and spacious dining-hall
Attractively laid-out tables

On Sunday the 11th November, 120 of us enjoyed a really slap-up meal at the Apollo Hotel, the new venue for the event.
The food was good, and there was plenty of it .
A lucky draw at each table; Sharnell Davis and Reshat Herrington with the prizes.
L-R: Franco Forte, Bessie, Colleen and Billy Rice.
Clara Lodge was well represented: WM Renier Shields with, L-R, Bev Cawe, Bes Human, Vicki Shields, Elizabeth Clack, Lyn Hulse, Eileen Russell and Vee Schwartzel…….
…….and Craig Russell, Tom van Blommestein, Joyce van Blommestein and Tanya Russell.

PGM Rt.W.Br.Nic Benson and his wife Sophia
Charles, Shaun and Colin

L-R: Nita Moir, George Moir, Venetia, Susan and Thinus Kriel.
And finally, a toast to the Ladies from PPGM Rt.W.Br. George Moir.
The BIG ONE – a very nice gras Carp specimen, that was put back into the dam after the photo.
In remembrance of Rt.W.Br. Brian Trotter.
Keith Bull remembering his late brother, Rt.W.Br. Brian Bull who, together with the late Rt.W.Br. Brian Trotter, had been one of the driving forces behind the Annual Fishing Weekend.
Rt.W.Br. Gerhard van Staden receiving his raffle prize from E-G-B WM, V.W.Br. Terry Nicholls.
And finally, the PGM Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson and the PGS, Rt.W.Br. Bruce Davis , relaxing with a beverage after a most successful and enjoyable weekend.
Saturday, 21st September 2019
Επαρχιακή Μεγάλη Στοά και Lodge Lurgan Ελληνική νύχτα
What a great, fun way to raise funds for charity; plenty of dancing, plate smashing and really good food, all put together through the hard work of Stelio and Dora Zyannakis, and helpers.
The ladies gave a good demonstration of Greek dancing, and the men, of smashing plates!
Some of the delicious food that everyone was treated to.
This was a particularly successful event, as after everything had been reconciled, and additional money donated by Provincial Grand Lodge, the Provincial Grand Master, Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson, was able to hand over a cheque for R40 000 to the Chairperson of the Hellenic Orthodox Ladies Association, HOLA, who run the Greek Old Age Home in Johannesburg.
Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson and the Chairperson of HOLA
Congratulations to all concerned, for a really enjoyable and successful FUNdraiser!
Another recipient of a very generous donation was Nazareth Frail-care and Orphanage.

Provincial Grand Master Rt.W. Br. Nic Benson handing over a cheque for R10 000, to Sister Lorraine Akal , on behalf of the Provincial Grand Lodge of S.A.Northern.
On the 27th of September, 2019, Mister Rudolph Geyer was Initiated as an Entered Apprentice at Clara Lodge N0.288.
The Ceremony was rather special as two Provincial Grand Masters participated in the Ceremony: Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson of S.A. Northern and Rt.W.Br. Anton Alsemgeest of Southern Cape.
Rt.W.Br. Alsemgeest is a long-time friend of Mister Geyer, and was his Proposer for Membership.
Also in attendance, was an impressive number of Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge Officers, and Brethren ; forty-seven in all. The Ceremony was very professionally carried out, thanks to the accuracy of delivery from the participants.
The Worshipful Master of Clara Lodge, W.Br. Renier Shields, and Brethren, wish Br. Rudi an enjoyable, successful and fulfilling future in Freemasonry.
Clara’s Worshipful Master, W.Br. Renier Shields (centre, rear), Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge Officers, with (front)
Rt.W.Br. Anton Alsemgeest, Br.Rudi Geyer and Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson.
Rt.W.Br. Alsemgeest and Br. Rudi Geyer.
On Saturday 14th September, the Bi-Annual meeting was held at the Central East Rand Temple, Jubilee Road, Boksburg South, and was open to all Master Masons.
The meeting was very well attended by distinguished visitors from Sister Constitutions, and the Lodges in the Province, and was particularly important as a new Provincial Assistant Grand Master, in the person of Rt.W.Br. Gerhard van Staden, was invested.
PAGM Rt.W.Br. Gerhard van Staden
After the PAGM’s Investiture, the Provincial Grand Master, Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson, appointed his new executive Officers, Provincial Grand Lodge Officers, and his personal Standard Bearer, for the ensuing year; he also presented his personal awards, to deserving Brethren.
After the meeting, the PGM and representatives of the other four Constitutions – English, Scottish, Grand Lodge of South Africa and Netherlandic, assembled outside for a group photo.
Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson, left, his Assistants, and his delegation of distinguished guests from Sister Constitutions
The photo-shoot was followed by a really superb Refreshment Board, organised by the host Lodge, Erin-Go-Bragh No.370. There was also some musical entertainment, and a prize-giving for the team from Erin-Go-Bragh, who won the Erin Lodge Bowls day.
From L-R.: V.W.Br. Terry Nicholls WM, W.Br. Alasdair Cozens, V.W.Br. Derek MacDade and Br. Keith Bull.
On the 6th September, the Pretoria Masonic Centre at the Willows saw the Installation of W.Br. Marc Pienaar for a second year as Master of the Lodge.
Thanks to Provincial Grand Lodge, W.Br. Marc Pienaar and the Brethren of Leinster, the Installation was performed at the high standard to which S.A Northern is continually striving to maintain.
The membership of the Lodge has been increased, of late, and in attendance at the Installation, were the newest Members; three Entered Apprentices and a Fellowcraft. Here they are, from left to right: Br. J.Grobler, Br. J. Malherbe, Br. Brian Barger and Br. S. Pienaar. Centre, rear is the Worshipful Master, W.Br. Marc Pienaar.
Congratulations to W.Br. Marc, and we wish him a successful, second year in the Chair of King Solomon. Congratulations, also, to the Wardens and newly-invested Officers of the Lodge.
Erin Lodge ran the 3rd Annual Outdoor Bowl’s Day on Saturday 3rd August 2019, at the Discovery Bowling Club; it was a well-attended day with 48 Players and 10 Spectators,
The weather was much kinder this year, not bitterly cold as it had been in the past. The competition was played over 12 Ends, from 10h30 to 12h30, although by 12.30, everyone was already tucking into a hearty lunch; this was followed by a very interesting presentation by Ella & John Roberts, of SANParks Honorary Rangers, West Rand Region, on their work with the training of Tracking Dogs, for hunting down Poachers.
The Prize-giving followed shortly thereafter.
Erin go Bragh won the Lodge Trophy.
Robert Dick’s Clara Team won the Team Prize,
Erin’s team came second
And Billy Rice’s team won the Mugs award.
The usual Raffle took place with a vast array of prizes. A good day was had by all and money made was donated to the SAME Education Fund and the Sanparks Anti-Poaching unit.
Our PGM, Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson, announced that Provincial Grand Lodge would be donating R5000 to their worthy cause.
In Remembrance
Rt.W.Br. Brian Trotter: 16th June, 1953 – 26th February, 2019.
Brian Trotter was Initiated, Passed and Raised in his Mother Lodge, Erin-Go-Bragh No.370 IC; he was Master of the Lodge in 1998 and 2013, and, after leaving the Chair, he joined the Provincial Grand Lodge and in 2013,was made PGL Assistant Director of Ceremonies. In 2016, he was given the Office of PGL Senior Director of Ceremonies, and then in 2017, he was made Provincial Assistant Grand Master. He received Grand Lodge Honours in 2011, as Past Grand Steward, and then in 2018 as Past Grand Deacon.
Rt.W.Br. Brian Bull: 21st September, 1949 – 20th June, 2019
Brian Bull was Initiated, Passed and then Raised to the sublime Degree of Master Mason in Erin-Go-Bragh Lodge in 1984. He was Master of the Lodge in 1993, 2011 and 2017. After joining Provincial Grand Lodge in 2012, he was made PGM Standard Bearer; the following year, he took the Office of Assistant Director of Ceremonies, and in 2015, he was given the position of Senior Director of Ceremonies. Finally, in 2017, he was given the rank of Provincial Assistant Grand Master. He received Grand Lodge Honours in 2013, as Past Grand Superintendent of Works, and in 2017, Past Grand Deacon.
V.W.Br. Dr. Hilary Kincaid-Smith: 26th July, 1930 – 9th July, 2019
Hilary Kincaid-Smith was Initiated into Lodge Lurgan No.767 IC on the 4th November, 1986, and Passed and Raised in 1987.. He was Master of Lodge Lurgan in 1995, and of Belfast Lodge No. 832 IC, in 2018.
In 2016, he took the Office of Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works, and in 2017 was made Provincial Grand Chaplain. The following year, Hilary was promoted to Provincial Junior Grand Warden, the Office which he held until his death.
He was also a Founder Member of Rosa Sine Spina Chapter No.1189 EC, which was founded on the 23rd February, 2008.
The Games Day fund raiser was a great success: music courtesy of PAGM Billy Rice, plenty of fun, snacks, great raffle prizes, and German-sausage hot-dogs for the peckish.
Congratulations to W.Br.Paddy Quinn, the darts champion, V.W.Br.Tony Murdoch who won the pool, and Dan Tyrer who cleaned up the opposition in the table tennis.
At the end of the day we had the prize giving, with Achill Lodge winning the Floating Trophy.
Paddy, Tony and Dan each received a trophy.
Next the raffle; First Prize, an Espresso coffee maker, second and third prizes hampers with a real selection of good eats.
A great day was had by all.

THE T.I.M.C BLANKET DRIVE - 13th July 2019

Here are some of the deserving recipients of blankets from the Blanket Drive, at the Benoni White Squatter Camp.
It was really gratifying to see how much the blankets were appreciated.
Clara’s V.W.Br. Robert Dick and a Staff member, with one of the many blankets which were distributed to the residents of The Tower of Life, in Krugersdorp, as part of the TIMC Blanket Drive.

Good News - July 2019

The Gauteng contingent, PGM Nic Benson, centre, and Tzaneen Brethren, after the Installation of
Br. Hennie Botha as Worshipful Master.

The Brethren of the Lodge really went out of their way to put on such a grand Festive Board at the hotel.
We also had Live entertainment provided by Rt.W.Br. Billy Rice and his guitar.
A thoroughly enjoyable evening, to end off a great trip.
Under the auspices of the Provincial Grand Lodge, S.A.Northern, computer stations have been supplied and installed at Nazareth House. These are a wonderful addition to the establishment, and will allow the children to hone their computer skills.
Here are three of the students, becoming accustomed to their new equipment.
Thus far, there has been no change regarding the suspension of Masonic activities; the suspension will, therefore, remain in force until the 31st January, 2021. Here is a letter from the Grand Secretary regarding this. .

6th September, 2021

On the 12th June, the Provincial Grand Master, S.A.Northern, Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson, announced a further extension to the suspension of all Masonic activities, until the 31st January, 2021. Here is his letter.

On the 20th April, the Provincial Grand Master, S.A. Northern, Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson, announced a further extension to the suspension of all Masonic activities until Here is his letter.

With the inevitable arrival on our shores of this highly contagious and potentially life-threatening disease, the Heads of all of all Constitutions in the country have taken the unprecedented step of suspending all Masonic activities, across all Orders, with immediate effect.
It must be emphasized that this decision was not taken lightly, but was deemed to be the only responsible course of action when considering the virulence of the disease, and the ease and speed with which it is spreading.
These are the letters from the heads of the Constitutions, advising their Brethren of the decision:
From the Provincial Grand Master, S.A. Northen I.C., Rt.W. Br. Nic Benson:
Dear Brethren
With due regard to the Presidents address last evening and after having communicated with The Grand Lodge of
Ireland this morning, I believe that the responsible course of action is to suspend ALL masonic activity until the end
of April 2020.
This instruction takes place with immediate effect and will continue until Thursday 30th April 2020, at which time it
will be reviewed, and a further decision taken, based upon the situation prevailing at the time.
It is important to note that the following correspondence has today been received from our sister constitutions:
1) The Scottish Constitution has suspended ALL masonic activity for a period of 30 days, effective
2) The Grand Lodge of South Africa has suspended ALL masonic activity (including Royal Arch), indefinitely,
effective immediately.
3) The Netherlandic lodges have suspended ALL masonic activity for the foreseeable future.
4) I have been in telephonic communication with the English Constitution and anticipate a similar course of
action to be announced in due course, once approval has been received from the United Grand Lodge of
Here is a quote from Adrian Gore, the CEO of Discovery Health which I believe is very relevant to our current
“The elderly are particularly at risk, which is not common across all viruses. The best thing you can do for your
elderly neighbours and relatives is to help them stay indoors (shop for them) but avoid seeing them in person if you
can. And remember this: democracies deal with emergencies by relying on personal responsibility and voluntary
behavioural change. Take this responsibility seriously. And demonstrate leadership. It is a common misconception
that leadership lies with government only. This is not true. Leadership is everywhere. Every employer, every
manager, every teacher, every public servant, every parent is a leader. Everyone who makes decisions on behalf
of other people is a leader. Every handshake is a decision. If you’re young and healthy and fall ill, you’ll most likely
be OK. But the best way to protect the groups at risk, like the elderly and those with chronic conditions, is not to
catch the virus yourself. Deny it the opportunity to use your body as a vector. Fight it”
Above all. Stay positive.
This day too shall pass.
From the District Grand Master, South Africa North {UGLE}, Prof. E. Guy Charlesworth.
Dear Brethren,
In addressing the coronavirus pandemic, I have received by e-mail an official communication from the Grand Secretary stating that District Grand Masters hold delegated authority to suspend Masonic activity in their District, if the situation warrants it.
Secondly, on 17TH March, The Most Worshipful Grand Master, HRH The Duke of Kent suspended all Lodge and Chapter meetings in England and Wales for a period of four months with immediate effect.
In terms of the delegated authority, I have therefore, suspended all Masonic meetings and activities in the District of South Africa, North effective from Monday, 30TH March until Tuesday 30TH June 2020, subject to further review.
This also includes our Lodges in Botswana, Mauritius and Eswatini (Swaziland).
As a consequence of the suspension, no Elections or Installations will be held during this period and Masters and Chapter Principals will continue in office, until the next scheduled Installation. Secretaries and Scribe Ezras are asked to contact the District Grand Secretary for further guidance.
No Masonic meetings will be held at Freemasons’ Hall, Park Lane, Johannesburg during the same period.
The Office of District Grand Lodge will remain open, but all enquiries should be made to the District Grand Secretary, Wor.Bro. Roland Dunstan or to Mrs Fern Rowles by phone (011 643 3311/2) or by e-mail district@freemason-jhb.org.za. Visits in person are strongly discouraged.
All tenants at Park Lane should plan for the closure of Park Lane until 30TH June 2020.
From the District Grand Master, District Grand Lodge of Central South Africa, Br. J.Kerr:
To All Brethren Circular No. 02/2020
16th. March 2020
Further to the President’s Address last night and after due consideration, I have come to the decision, that the
responsible action to take under the circumstances is to cancel ALL meetings, committee and regular within
the District.
This instruction takes place with immediate effect and will remain in place for a period of 30 days or until
otherwise advised.
During this time the District Grand Lodge will remain open but Brethren are encouraged to communicate
with the District Grand Secretary by phone ( 072 277 7459 ) or E-mail ( dgsec@districtgrandlodge.co.za ) as
personal visits must be kept to the minimum.
I understand that this action will be extremely inconvenient to some Lodges, especially those with upcoming
Installations, where preparations are at an advanced state but I believe this action is necessary as the health
and possibly the lives of Brethren are, by far, more important.
The District Grand Secretary and myself will communicate directly with the Lodges whose Installations are
scheduled during this period and agree on alterative arrangements.
As we have close contact with the Sister Constitutions in this District, I would strongly advise against any
visits to them in the next few days, until such times as they make their decision on the action they intend
There is no point in elaborating on the personal hygiene actions required by everyone in the country but I
strongly encourage you to abide by the measures instituted and by our responsible actions hope that we can
contribute to the early defeat of this pandemic.
From the Grand Secretary, the Grand Lodge of South Africa:
Attention: All GLSA members
Dear Brethren
Suspension of GLSA activities due Covid-19
The Grand Master has instructed me to advise you that all Masonic gatherings falling under the GLSA, including Royal Arch, are suspended, with immediate effect, until further notice. The situation will be reviewed on a weekly basis and you will be kept informed on any progress. Please ensure that this information is also communicated to any candidates or potential applicants.
Our members are urged to take all possible precautions to ensure the well-being of themselves and their families during these very challenging times.
For those of our members who belong to the AASR for South Africa, you should also be aware that they have cancelled all of their activities until further notice.
Guidance from the Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ireland. {abridged}
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
This guidance document gives general advice about preventing the spread of COVID-19 .
While the guidance describes several practices specific to Freemasonry, people from other groups can adapt the advice to their specific requirements.
General recommendations for all.
If any members of your Masonic Body feel ill and may have COVID-19 , even if their symptoms are mild, they should stay at home and follow this advice:
If you feel unwell with symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g. cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, high temperature)
If in the 14 days before you became unwell, you have:
• travelled to an area with presumed ongoing community transmission of COVID-19, or
• been in contact with a person who has COVID-19, or
• attended/worked in a healthcare facility where patients with COVID-19 were being treated
then you should:
• Isolate yourself (i.e. stay separate from other people)
• Phone your GP without delay. Tell your GP/Emergency Services about your travel history and symptoms.
• It is important that you PHONE your GP first and talk to them rather than arriving at the GP surgery without contacting them so that you don’t put staff or other patients at risk of infection.
• Your GP/Emergency Services will advise you of the next steps over the phone.
If any members of your Masonic Body feel well and have no symptoms, but in the past 14 days they have:
• travelled from an area with presumed ongoing community transmission of COVID-19, or
• been in contact with a person who has COVID-19, or
• attended/worked in a healthcare facility where patients with COVID-19 are being treated they should phone the EMS for advice.
High risk groups
Those considered to be at higher risk for COVID-19 include the following:
• People aged 65 years and older
• People with long-term medical conditions – for example, heart disease, lung disease, diabetes or liver disease
Reducing the spread of infection
You should always practice good hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene. Hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene are a series of actions to take which are designed to reduce the spread of disease, including COVID-19, to yourself and others. These actions include regular handwashing and covering your mouth and nose with a tissue or the bend of your elbow when you cough or sneeze.
Physical interaction , e.g. Hand Contact
Most physical interaction during meetings, e.g. Hand Contact, involves a low risk of spreading the virus especially if members who are unwell do not attend meetings while they are ill.
However, because COVID-19 is a new disease that has not been seen in people before, we need to exercise extreme caution to limit the spread of the virus. Current information suggests that COVID-19 can spread easily between people and could be spread from an infected person even before they develop any symptoms.
Further sources of information
Further information on COVID-19 is available on the HSE website at: https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/coronavirus/coronavirus.html
and the HPSC website at:
You have come into contact with someone that was diagnosed with the new corona virus (2019-nCoV) What now?
The incubation period (time from infection to showing symptoms) ranges between 2 to 14 days. If you develop any symptoms in this time-frame, you will have to be tested for the virus.
Why not just test me immediately?
It takes time for the virus to multiply to a level where we can detect it with laboratory techniques.
Can’t you just give me medicine in case I do have it?
Since this is a virus, any treatment is supportive – that means the symptoms are treated, but there is no medicine to kill the virus, you need to allow your body’s immune system to kill the virus.
What should I do?
We are requesting you to self-quarantine. This means that although you do not have symptoms yet, you need to stay away from people to prevent the virus from spreading more.
But can I give the virus to someone even if I don’t feel bad?
Yes, evidence suggests that you may be able to pass the virus to someone else even before you show symptoms.
Can I go to work?
It is advised to refrain from going to work, doing so may spread the virus to colleagues. Your general practitioner can provide a sick note to be shared with your employer.
Can I go to school?
It is advised to refrain from going to school, doing so may spread the virus to other students or teachers. Your general practitioner can provide a sick note to be shared with the school.
Can I meet my friends?
It is advised to avoid social contact. Participating in social contact may spread the virus to your family and friends.
Can I go shopping, visit a public place or use public transport?
It is advised to refrain from visiting any public place (shops, churches, entertainment areas) or using public transport, doing so may spread the virus to other people.
What am I supposed to do?
To protect those around you:
• Clean your hands frequently, using an alcohol-based hand rub or soap
• Keep a distance from healthy individuals (not showing respiratory symptoms) as much as possible (at least 1 meter)
• Wear a medical mask as frequently possible
• Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing with disposable paper tissue, or cough and sneeze into your elbow. Dispose of the material after use and clean your hands immediately with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub
• Improve airflow in living spaces at home by opening windows and door as much as possible
What symptoms should I be looking out for?
A measured body temperature of 38°C or more, chills, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, myalgia or body pains, diarrhoea (passage of three or more loose or liquid stools per day).
I have symptoms, what should I do?
Please contact your doctor immediately. He will advise you as to your next course of action.

![IMG-20200319-WA0020[1] IMG-20200319-WA0020[1]](https://irishfreemasonry.co.za/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/IMG-20200319-WA00201-omsojlzudv1lpj6mamzncczj3v1ttcoyvtwzwgerfc.jpg)
How are you feeling? This may help, but if you are unsure of your symptoms, consult your doctor.
This shows the importance of keeping surfaces clean, and washing hands.
On Tuesday 25th February, there was an impressive turnout for the Installation of Rt.W.Br. Thinus Kriel as Master of
Erin-Go-Bragh Lodge, for the fourth time; he was first Installed in the chair of King Solomon in 1997,
and thereafter in 2010 and 2018.
Congratulations, Rt.W.Br. Thinus; may the coming year be a successful and enjoyable one, for you and Erin-Go-Bragh.
Worshipful Master, Rt.W.Br. Thinus Kriel, with Susan Kruger, at the Festive Board
Erin-G0-Bragh’s Immediate Past Master, V.W.Br. Terry Nicholls and wife, Jeanette.
Mrs. Sophia Benson and PGM, Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson, with the Worshipful Master and Susan Kruger
PDGM Rt.W.Br.Tony Bosch{L} and PAGMs Rt.W.Brs. Gerhard van Staden and Billy Rice
Well done to the E-G-B ladies for a really great Festive Board – very attractively laid out tables, and plenty
of good food.
E-G-B’s V.W.Br. Derek MacDade, Br. Keith Bull and V.W.Br. Tony Murdoch, enjoying the evening.
At a very memorable Stated Communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge, Southern Cape, V.W.Br.Eddie Ives received his Honorary Grand Rank from the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Most Worshipful Br. Douglas Grey.
Congratulations, V.W.Br. Eddie, on your special occasion.

From L-R: Grand Master, M.W. Br. Douglas Grey, V.W.Br. Eddie Ives, Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson, PGM SA Northern.
Montgomery Haven is one of the establishments in the Methodist Homes group, and is one of the recipients of Clara Lodge’s support.
Last year, with the financial assistance of the Provincial Grand Lodge, we were able to sponsor the two Christmas lunches provided by the Home for the residents; one for the Frail Care section, and one for the Village.
Several of us attended the Village lunch, and it was so enjoyable and appreciated, that we decided to do the same this year.
The PGL was good enough to assist us again, and we were able to sponsor the lunches.
This year, fourteen of us (four Lodges represented) attended the Village lunch, and were really impressed with the food and friendliness.
Fortunately, because of the weather, tables and gazebos were put outside where there was a cool breeze – it was really hot!!
Here are some photos from the event, and the response from the Home.

Br.Marius De Wet and his wife Siobhan were kind enough to host Clara’s end-of-year function at their home in Beverley Gardens. There were twenty-two of us who turned up, representing five Lodges. The weather was perfect and ideal for a braai, and needless to say, there was lots of food and plenty to drink; there was also no lack of volunteers to attend to the cooking! Our “braaimeisters” however, seem to have been Marius, Renier and Robert, who all cooked the meat to perfection.
A big “thank you” to Marius and Siobhan, who went to an lot of trouble to make the afternoon such a success, and to all of the ladies who brought along salads and puddings. Thanks also to everyone who came along and made the afternoon such a friendly and enjoyable event.
Clara’s Worshipful Master, W.Br. Renier Shields, greeting everyone.
Marius and Renier at work!!
Meat’s almost ready!!
Relaxing after lunch
Renier and Marius giving out presents to the ladies
- On Saturday, 23rd November, Erin Lodge held their Annual Ladies Supper at Cesco’s Restaurant, at the German Club,and we were honoured to have the Rt.W. PGM, Deputy PGM, PGL Secretary, and their wives join us. This was a really enjoyable evening, and a good time was had by all; plenty of good food in a very nice venue.
Coincidentally, in the room next to us, the English Constitution had their end-of-year, Black Tie dinner, so it was a full house of Masons for the German Club.
It is said that “a picture is worth a thousand words”, so the following photos will tell you what a great evening it was.

Sharnell Davis(L), PDGM Tony Bosch and Margaret Rose

Jack Connan,(R), with Corne and Lindsay v.d. Merwe
On the 13th November, the District held its Bi-Annual Convocation at the Kensington Masonic Hall, and the Officers for 2019-2020 were Invested; the event was well attended, and we were joined by representatives from our Sister Constitutions. The Convocation was presided over by the Most Excellent District Grand King, Most Excellent Companion Andre De Roubaix.
Waiting for the District Delegation to take their places.
The Most Excellent District Grand King addressing the Companions, prior to opening the Chapter.
After a successful Convocation.
A fine meal, to end off an enjoyable evening.
The three Constitutions: ME Comp. Andre, RW Br. David Gurney (English), and ME Comp. John Grant (Scottish)
Congratulations to the Provincial Grand Lodge Administrator, Mrs. Sharnell Davis, who found this venue for the event, organised everything and made sure that everyone had an enjoyable time.

Pleasant and spacious dining-hall
Attractively laid-out tables

On Sunday the 11th November, 120 of us enjoyed a really slap-up meal at the Apollo Hotel, the new venue for the event.
The food was good, and there was plenty of it .
A lucky draw at each table; Sharnell Davis and Reshat Herrington with the prizes.
L-R: Franco Forte, Bessie, Colleen and Billy Rice.
Clara Lodge was well represented: WM Renier Shields with, L-R, Bev Cawe, Bes Human, Vicki Shields, Elizabeth Clack, Lyn Hulse, Eileen Russell and Vee Schwartzel…….
…….and Craig Russell, Tom van Blommestein, Joyce van Blommestein and Tanya Russell.

PGM Rt.W.Br.Nic Benson and his wife Sophia
Charles, Shaun and Colin

L-R: Nita Moir, George Moir, Venetia, Susan and Thinus Kriel.
And finally, a toast to the Ladies from PPGM Rt.W.Br. George Moir.
The BIG ONE – a very nice gras Carp specimen, that was put back into the dam after the photo.
In remembrance of Rt.W.Br. Brian Trotter.
Keith Bull remembering his late brother, Rt.W.Br. Brian Bull who, together with the late Rt.W.Br. Brian Trotter, had been one of the driving forces behind the Annual Fishing Weekend.
Rt.W.Br. Gerhard van Staden receiving his raffle prize from E-G-B WM, V.W.Br. Terry Nicholls.
And finally, the PGM Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson and the PGS, Rt.W.Br. Bruce Davis , relaxing with a beverage after a most successful and enjoyable weekend.
Saturday, 21st September 2019
Επαρχιακή Μεγάλη Στοά και Lodge Lurgan Ελληνική νύχτα
What a great, fun way to raise funds for charity; plenty of dancing, plate smashing and really good food, all put together through the hard work of Stelio and Dora Zyannakis, and helpers.
The ladies gave a good demonstration of Greek dancing, and the men, of smashing plates!
Some of the delicious food that everyone was treated to.
This was a particularly successful event, as after everything had been reconciled, and additional money donated by Provincial Grand Lodge, the Provincial Grand Master, Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson, was able to hand over a cheque for R40 000 to the Chairperson of the Hellenic Orthodox Ladies Association, HOLA, who run the Greek Old Age Home in Johannesburg.
Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson and the Chairperson of HOLA
Congratulations to all concerned, for a really enjoyable and successful FUNdraiser!
Another recipient of a very generous donation was Nazareth Frail-care and Orphanage.

Provincial Grand Master Rt.W. Br. Nic Benson handing over a cheque for R10 000, to Sister Lorraine Akal , on behalf of the Provincial Grand Lodge of S.A.Northern.
On the 27th of September, 2019, Mister Rudolph Geyer was Initiated as an Entered Apprentice at Clara Lodge N0.288.
The Ceremony was rather special as two Provincial Grand Masters participated in the Ceremony: Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson of S.A. Northern and Rt.W.Br. Anton Alsemgeest of Southern Cape.
Rt.W.Br. Alsemgeest is a long-time friend of Mister Geyer, and was his Proposer for Membership.
Also in attendance, was an impressive number of Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge Officers, and Brethren ; forty-seven in all. The Ceremony was very professionally carried out, thanks to the accuracy of delivery from the participants.
The Worshipful Master of Clara Lodge, W.Br. Renier Shields, and Brethren, wish Br. Rudi an enjoyable, successful and fulfilling future in Freemasonry.
Clara’s Worshipful Master, W.Br. Renier Shields (centre, rear), Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge Officers, with (front)
Rt.W.Br. Anton Alsemgeest, Br.Rudi Geyer and Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson.
Rt.W.Br. Alsemgeest and Br. Rudi Geyer.
On Saturday 14th September, the Bi-Annual meeting was held at the Central East Rand Temple, Jubilee Road, Boksburg South, and was open to all Master Masons.
The meeting was very well attended by distinguished visitors from Sister Constitutions, and the Lodges in the Province, and was particularly important as a new Provincial Assistant Grand Master, in the person of Rt.W.Br. Gerhard van Staden, was invested.
PAGM Rt.W.Br. Gerhard van Staden
After the PAGM’s Investiture, the Provincial Grand Master, Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson, appointed his new executive Officers, Provincial Grand Lodge Officers, and his personal Standard Bearer, for the ensuing year; he also presented his personal awards, to deserving Brethren.
After the meeting, the PGM and representatives of the other four Constitutions – English, Scottish, Grand Lodge of South Africa and Netherlandic, assembled outside for a group photo.
Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson, left, his Assistants, and his delegation of distinguished guests from Sister Constitutions
The photo-shoot was followed by a really superb Refreshment Board, organised by the host Lodge, Erin-Go-Bragh No.370. There was also some musical entertainment, and a prize-giving for the team from Erin-Go-Bragh, who won the Erin Lodge Bowls day.
From L-R.: V.W.Br. Terry Nicholls WM, W.Br. Alasdair Cozens, V.W.Br. Derek MacDade and Br. Keith Bull.
On the 6th September, the Pretoria Masonic Centre at the Willows saw the Installation of W.Br. Marc Pienaar for a second year as Master of the Lodge.
Thanks to Provincial Grand Lodge, W.Br. Marc Pienaar and the Brethren of Leinster, the Installation was performed at the high standard to which S.A Northern is continually striving to maintain.
The membership of the Lodge has been increased, of late, and in attendance at the Installation, were the newest Members; three Entered Apprentices and a Fellowcraft. Here they are, from left to right: Br. J.Grobler, Br. J. Malherbe, Br. Brian Barger and Br. S. Pienaar. Centre, rear is the Worshipful Master, W.Br. Marc Pienaar.
Congratulations to W.Br. Marc, and we wish him a successful, second year in the Chair of King Solomon. Congratulations, also, to the Wardens and newly-invested Officers of the Lodge.
Erin Lodge ran the 3rd Annual Outdoor Bowl’s Day on Saturday 3rd August 2019, at the Discovery Bowling Club; it was a well-attended day with 48 Players and 10 Spectators,
The weather was much kinder this year, not bitterly cold as it had been in the past. The competition was played over 12 Ends, from 10h30 to 12h30, although by 12.30, everyone was already tucking into a hearty lunch; this was followed by a very interesting presentation by Ella & John Roberts, of SANParks Honorary Rangers, West Rand Region, on their work with the training of Tracking Dogs, for hunting down Poachers.
The Prize-giving followed shortly thereafter.
Erin go Bragh won the Lodge Trophy.
Robert Dick’s Clara Team won the Team Prize,
Erin’s team came second
And Billy Rice’s team won the Mugs award.
The usual Raffle took place with a vast array of prizes. A good day was had by all and money made was donated to the SAME Education Fund and the Sanparks Anti-Poaching unit.
Our PGM, Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson, announced that Provincial Grand Lodge would be donating R5000 to their worthy cause.
In Remembrance
Rt.W.Br. Brian Trotter: 16th June, 1953 – 26th February, 2019.
Brian Trotter was Initiated, Passed and Raised in his Mother Lodge, Erin-Go-Bragh No.370 IC; he was Master of the Lodge in 1998 and 2013, and, after leaving the Chair, he joined the Provincial Grand Lodge and in 2013,was made PGL Assistant Director of Ceremonies. In 2016, he was given the Office of PGL Senior Director of Ceremonies, and then in 2017, he was made Provincial Assistant Grand Master. He received Grand Lodge Honours in 2011, as Past Grand Steward, and then in 2018 as Past Grand Deacon.
Rt.W.Br. Brian Bull: 21st September, 1949 – 20th June, 2019
Brian Bull was Initiated, Passed and then Raised to the sublime Degree of Master Mason in Erin-Go-Bragh Lodge in 1984. He was Master of the Lodge in 1993, 2011 and 2017. After joining Provincial Grand Lodge in 2012, he was made PGM Standard Bearer; the following year, he took the Office of Assistant Director of Ceremonies, and in 2015, he was given the position of Senior Director of Ceremonies. Finally, in 2017, he was given the rank of Provincial Assistant Grand Master. He received Grand Lodge Honours in 2013, as Past Grand Superintendent of Works, and in 2017, Past Grand Deacon.
V.W.Br. Dr. Hilary Kincaid-Smith: 26th July, 1930 – 9th July, 2019
Hilary Kincaid-Smith was Initiated into Lodge Lurgan No.767 IC on the 4th November, 1986, and Passed and Raised in 1987.. He was Master of Lodge Lurgan in 1995, and of Belfast Lodge No. 832 IC, in 2018.
In 2016, he took the Office of Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works, and in 2017 was made Provincial Grand Chaplain. The following year, Hilary was promoted to Provincial Junior Grand Warden, the Office which he held until his death.
He was also a Founder Member of Rosa Sine Spina Chapter No.1189 EC, which was founded on the 23rd February, 2008.
The Games Day fund raiser was a great success: music courtesy of PAGM Billy Rice, plenty of fun, snacks, great raffle prizes, and German-sausage hot-dogs for the peckish.
Congratulations to W.Br.Paddy Quinn, the darts champion, V.W.Br.Tony Murdoch who won the pool, and Dan Tyrer who cleaned up the opposition in the table tennis.
At the end of the day we had the prize giving, with Achill Lodge winning the Floating Trophy.
Paddy, Tony and Dan each received a trophy.
Next the raffle; First Prize, an Espresso coffee maker, second and third prizes hampers with a real selection of good eats.
A great day was had by all.

THE T.I.M.C BLANKET DRIVE - 13th July 2019

Here are some of the deserving recipients of blankets from the Blanket Drive, at the Benoni White Squatter Camp.
It was really gratifying to see how much the blankets were appreciated.
Clara’s V.W.Br. Robert Dick and a Staff member, with one of the many blankets which were distributed to the residents of The Tower of Life, in Krugersdorp, as part of the TIMC Blanket Drive.

Good News - July 2019

The Gauteng contingent, PGM Nic Benson, centre, and Tzaneen Brethren, after the Installation of
Br. Hennie Botha as Worshipful Master.

The Brethren of the Lodge really went out of their way to put on such a grand Festive Board at the hotel.
We also had Live entertainment provided by Rt.W.Br. Billy Rice and his guitar.
A thoroughly enjoyable evening, to end off a great trip.
- 26 May 2019
Thanks to the hard work and organizational skills of V.W.Brs, Fanie Bezuidenhout Gerhard van Staden and Justin Dawe, and the assistance of the Brethren of the Lodge, the Open-Day fundraiser at Springs Airfield was a tremendous success;
Raffle tickets were sold during the event to raise the much-needed funds and three prizes were up for grabs. The prizes were a flip in a Boeing Stearman to the value of R1 500 sponsored by Adam Pucjlowski, a Tandum Skydive to the value of R1 900 sponsored by Skydive the Farm and a flight to the Vaaldam in a Sling 4 to the value of R1 500 sponsored by Pieter Bezuidenhout.
The Provincial Grand Master, Rt.W.Br. Nic Benson, won an aerobatic flight.
PGLSANIC on Tour in KZN - 1 June 2019
18 Brethren made the trip to Mandini, in Kwa-Zulu Natal, for the Gingindhlovu Lodge Installation – 1st June 2019. Here they are at the Lodge.